🚀 Personal portfolio (v1)

2 min read

Probably the hardest thing for an engineer obsessed with design and perfection is to resist sticking to one design and simply get the project done! It took many iterations and a lot of self-persuasion to complete (or near-complete 👀) my portfolio!

⏳ Journey So Far

Up until recently, I unknowingly suffered from "The Perfectionist" syndrome 👀! It's actually quite common among software engineers and can be very detrimental to your growth. This tendency is exacerbated if you have a passion for design! You'll want everything to be pixel-perfect!


⚙️ Building the Portfolio

Creating this portfolio was a journey in itself. It was a chance to apply the skills and showcase projects I had acquired over the years. The process was filled with multiple iterations, self-doubt, and occasional frustration, but it was all worth it in the end.

🖋️ Lessons Learned

Throughout this journey, I learned that perfection is an illusion. The pursuit of it can be paralyzing, preventing you from making progress. Instead, focus on progress over perfection and embrace iterative development. Each iteration is a step forward, bringing you closer to your goals.

🚀 Looking Ahead

With my portfolio now complete (or near-complete 👀), I am excited to share my insights and knowledge with you. I aim to focus on the broader aspects of software engineering, emphasizing problem-solving and core principles, such as networking, algorithms, data structures, and design systems/patterns.

Anthony beautifully explains in his best advice after 20 years of programming experience, that it's important to look beyond the latest trends and focus on what truly matters in the long run.

🗞️ Final Thoughts

Remember, your portfolio is a reflection of your journey and growth as an engineer. It doesn't have to be perfect; it just needs to be authentic. Share your story, showcase your skills, and keep moving forward. Embrace the journey and enjoy the process.

With that said, let's get started!

Why stop here? Adapt and evolve with the ever-changing tech landscape.

Innovation thrives on continuous learning. Keep pushing your boundaries, acquire new skills, and stay at the forefront of the software engineering field.


Leetcode: Merge sorted array

2 min read
#engineering #interview

(given) two integer arrays nums1 and nums2, sorted in non-decreasing order, and two integers m and n, representing the number of elements in nums1 and nums2 respectively. (goal) Merge nums1 and nums2 into a single array sorted in non-decreasing order.


🚀 Personal portfolio (v1)

2 min read

It took numerous iterations and design revisions to create a portfolio with a blogging system that truly excites me! But why now after five years into my career as a software engineer?


👋 Hello!

2 min read

Hya! The name's Nas. Software Engineer based in UK, with Computer Science degree from King's College London University.