🚀 Welcome! 🥳

1 min read

👋 Hello

Hi there! I'm Nas. Like many engineers, I've decided to create a personal portfolio to showcase my projects (hopefully not the defunct ones 👀), document the challenges I encounter, and blog about my journey as a Software Engineer.

I am passionate about all aspects of engineering. Until recently, I focused heavily on Frontend technologies, but I realized that the learning cycle in this field is perpetual, constantly chasing what's currently in vogue.

Along the way, I lost sight of the broader picture. Namely, problem-solving beyond specific technologies. So, I've recently revisited the foundational skills I learned during my CS days: Algorithms and Data Structures.

🤔 Why a blog?

Writing has a profound impact, not just on others, but also on the writer. It's a way to clarify thoughts and refine understanding.

Have you ever had a concept that made perfect sense in your head, only to struggle when explaining it to someone else? I've experienced this many times, and writing/explaining can help.

More importantly, a blog can help others. Sharing the challenges you face and how you overcome them can be invaluable to someone in a similar situation. I love helping others and seeing the positive impact on the broader community.

Why stop here? Adapt and evolve with the ever-changing tech landscape.

Innovation thrives on continuous learning. Keep pushing your boundaries, acquire new skills, and stay at the forefront of the software engineering field.

Coming soon

Leetcode: Merge sorted array

2 min read
#engineering #interview

(given) two integer arrays nums1 and nums2, sorted in non-decreasing order, and two integers m and n, representing the number of elements in nums1 and nums2 respectively. (goal) Merge nums1 and nums2 into a single array sorted in non-decreasing order.


🚀 Personal portfolio (v1)

2 min read

It took numerous iterations and design revisions to create a portfolio with a blogging system that truly excites me! But why now after five years into my career as a software engineer?


🚀 Welcome! 🥳

2 min read

Welcome! The name's Nas. Software Engineer based in UK, with Computer Science degree from King's College London University.