Crafting Digital Magic with Bits & Bytes!

When I'm not busy turning β˜• into code, you'll find me juggling algorithms, debugging life's mysteries, and occasionally contemplating whether 🐈 are secretly plotting world domination.

Cooked up in Figma, spiced with Visual Studio Code magic. Next.js and Tailwind CSS play nice in this masterpiece, hosted on Vercel. Text? Dressed to impress in the sleek Inter typeface. Bon appΓ©tit! πŸš€ ✨

Brought to you by Naseebullah Ahmadi

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Available for projects

Naseebullah Ahmadi

Fullstack Engineer (Truelayer)
London, UK
He/Him πŸ‘€

Full-stack engineer with a curious mind who loves to break build software. Outrageously obsessed with pixel-perfect design and software engineering best practices. Perpetually lost in the abyss of dead projects and trapped in an endless loop of redesigning my website β€” it's my personal version of Groundhog Day.

Featured Posts

  1. Coming soon

    Leetcode: Merge sorted array

    2 min read
    #engineering #interview

    (given) two integer arrays nums1 and nums2, sorted in non-decreasing order, and two integers m and n, representing the number of elements in nums1 and nums2 respectively. (goal) Merge nums1 and nums2 into a single array sorted in non-decreasing order.

  2. Coming soon

    πŸš€ Personal portfolio (v1)

    2 min read

    It took numerous iterations and design revisions to create a portfolio with a blogging system that truly excites me! But why now after five years into my career as a software engineer?

  3. new

    πŸš€ Welcome! πŸ₯³

    2 min read

    Welcome! The name's Nas. Software Engineer based in UK, with Computer Science degree from King's College London University.

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  1. 2020 β€” Present (4 yrs)
  2. 2020 β€” 2020

    Frontend Software EngineerEF

    Migrated the old EF site across 11 global markets. Improved frontend infrastructure for CI/CD, built features using atomic design principles, participated in daily standups and weekly meetups with office-based and remote teams for tracking, followed Git-flow for development.

  3. 2018 β€” 2020 (2 yrs)

    Frontend EngineerTribal Worldwide

    (Legacy Platform) β€” Maintained the frontend legacy platform, fixed bugs daily, conducted cross-browser and A/B testing with Monetate, managed Qubit tags for marketing and analytics, tested REST APIs, and built frontend applications on multiple development servers.

    (Live Platform) β€” Migrated Polymer.js components to React.js, developed reusable web components such as modals, forms, and themes, fixed daily bugs ranging from design issues to complex functionality flaws, conducted daily code reviews to uphold coding standards, and ensured components were connected to Redux for global state management.

  4. 2017 β€” 2017

    Frontend EngineerTribal Worldwide

    Maintained and recreated complex applications with Polymer.js, used BEM for styling, tested applications in multiple browsers with VirtualBox, managed code with Git, followed Agile methodology, utilized cmd/Sourcetree for Git interactions, tracked issues with Jira, and collaborated closely with the QA team.

  5. 2017 β€” 2017

    Frontend Web DeveloperKCL

    Led the frontend team, designed the dashboard, influenced tech stack choices, introduced Angular UI components, integrated MongoDB, built client-side API, and implemented user authentication and session sharing.

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    Designing (Figma), building (Nextjs), testing (Jest) & shipping (Vercel) my own portfolio, with blogging system.